SCM-Manager 2.6.0

Posted on 2020-09-25 by SCM-Team

Hello SCM-Manager community,

some time has passed and we created some new features.

Namespace Permissions

Recently we added the possibility to filter your namespaces. Now we went one step further: you can manage your repository permissions on namespace-level. Just click on the blue gear icon and find the namespace permission settings. Namespace Permissions

Tags overview

If you missed it already it is finally here. The list of tags is now shown on your repository. Tag overview

Latest release information

To keep your SCM-Manager up-to-date you will be informed about the latest release on the admin information page. Release Info

Merge with Rebase

The Review-Plugin already could merge your pull requests with different strategies like merge commit, fast-forward if possible and squash. Now we added the merge with rebase to keep your history nice and clean. Merge with rebase

SSH Access Token Command

Also we added a new command in the SSH-Plugin which returns a valid access token with user permissions when called. This access token can be used for rest api calls.

Have some questions or suggestions for SCM-Manager? Connect directly to the DEV-Team on GitHub or our Support channels.

Posted in scm-manager, release