This page does not refer to the most recent version of the SCM-Manager. Go to the latest version of this page.


General unix installation


Ensure that Java JRE is installed at least in version 8, we recommend currently Java 11. If you want to use Mercurial, ensure it is installed on your machine.


Grab the latest version and checksum from download page and replace <version> and <checksum> in the code blocks below. Download and verify the checksum.

echo "<checksum> *unix-<version>-app.tar.gz" | sha1sum -c -

Extract the archive:

tar xvfz unix-<version>-app.tar.gz -C /opt

The application can be started by using the scm-server script.


if you want to start the application in background, we can use the start parameter.

/opt/scm-server/bin/scm-server start

After the scm-manager is started, it should be reachable on port 8080 The default username is scmadmin with the password scmadmin.


If SCM-Manager does not start have a look at the logs /opt/scm-server/logs or ~/.scm/logs

Home directory

SCM-Manager stores all its information in its home directory. The directory is located in the home directory of the user, which has started the process, and is named .scm.


Most of the configuration of scm-manager can be configured via the web interface. But the startup and the web server configuration must be configured via configuration files. The default configuration of the debian package should match 90% of the use cases, if you have to change something ensure you know what you are doing.

To configure the startup have a look at /opt/scm-server/bin/scm-server. To configure logging and the webserver, /opt/scm-server/conf is the right place.