Archive Cloudogu GmbH
Create a zip archive of a repository revision
This bunch of plugins helps improve your workflow
Commit Message Checker Cloudogu GmbH
Validates commit message on each commit for pattern or format
Commit Search Cloudogu GmbH
Enable search for commits
Direct Filelink Cloudogu GmbH
Creates a direct link to the latest version of a file
Editor Cloudogu GmbH
Create, edit and delete files inside SCM-Manager
External File Links Cloudogu GmbH
Manage links to files in SCM-Manager which are stored externally
File Lock Cloudogu GmbH
Creates file locks to prevent write access
Hg-Nested Cloudogu GmbH
This plugin allows the creation of an alias for nested mercurial repositories.
History Download Cloudogu GmbH
A shortcut to download versions of the same file
Landing Page Cloudogu GmbH
Adds a landing page with tasks, events and data like favorite repositories
Manage Folder Cloudogu GmbH
Manage folders through the web interface
Notify Cloudogu GmbH
Sends email notifications to a list of subscribed addresses whenever a repo has changes
Push Event Cloudogu GmbH
Whenever a push event occours, this Plugin sends meta information about the push (modified files, commit messages, touched branches etc.) to a REST endpoint.
Repository Mirror Plugin Cloudogu GmbH
Mirror external repositories into SCM-Manager
Repository Template Cloudogu GmbH
Enable creators of repositories to choose a template repository upon initialization
Review Cloudogu GmbH
Depict a review process with pull requests
Script Cloudogu GmbH
Script support for scm-manager
Signature Check Plugin Cloudogu GmbH
Plugin to check if all changesets of a push have a valid signature
Webhook Cloudogu GmbH
Notifies a remote webserver whenever a repository is pushed to