Category: plugins

News and posts from plugins category

SCM-Manager 2.42.x

Posted on 2023-02-17 by Laura Gorzitze

Dear SCM-Manager Community,

after almost a month, we have a new version for you. You might notice that there is already a bugfix version 2.42.1. The reason for that was a conflict between the updated svn library and our ssh plugin. We fixed this immediately and thus released version 2.42.1

Posted in scm-manager, scm-webhook-plugin, release, plugins

SCM-Manager 2.41.0

Posted on 2023-01-23 by René Pfeuffer

Dear SCM-Manager Community,

you haven't heard of us for two months now, but we haven't been idle all the time. Last week, we released version 2.41.0 of SCM-Manager with two features requested by you, our community.

Configurable repository list

Some of you want to change the amount of repositories on the startup page or hide archived repositories. You can do this now with the Landingpage Plugin. If you have not taken a look at it before, now it is the time to do so. Besides the ability to change the page size or to hide archived repositories, it can also show the latest activities, information…

Posted in scm-manager, scm-landingpage-plugin, release, plugins

SCM-Manager 2.40.0

Posted on 2022-11-22 by Konstantin Schaper

Dear SCM-Manager Community,

in the following few paragraphs we have summarized some of the changes and features available in the new release. We have also fixed a series of complicated bugs and are actively preparing to make new integrations with third-party systems easier in the…

Posted in scm-manager, scm-review-plugin, scm-redmine-plugin, scm-jira-plugin, scm-webhook-plugin, scm-commit-message-checker-plugin, scm-pathwp-plugin, release, plugins

SCM-Manager 2.39.0

Posted on 2022-09-15 by Konstantin Schaper

Hello SCM-Manager Community,

over a month has passed since our last feature release during which we have taken the time to round up some significant additions to our global search. Two brand-new plugins are ready for you in addition to several quality of life improvements and…

Posted in scm-manager, scm-editor-plugin, scm-manage-folder-plugin, scm-smeagol-plugin, scm-review-plugin, scm-ci-plugin, scm-content-search-plugin, scm-commit-search-plugin, scm-binary-search-plugin, release, plugins

SCM-Manager 2.38.0

Posted on 2022-08-08 by Konstantin Schaper

Hello SCM-Manager Community,

we continuously put in the effort to improve the SCM-Manager. This iteration focused on extensions to the CLI, contextual search and additional information for the pull request overview.

Due to complex changes to our underlying frontend build…

Posted in scm-manager, scm-review-plugin, scm-ci-plugin, scm-content-search-plugin, scm-ssh-plugin, scm-expression-language-plugin, release, plugins, cli

SCM-Manager 2.37.0

Posted on 2022-06-29 by Konstantin Schaper

Hello SCM-Manager Community,

with every fresh release come new, exciting features that we do not want to keep from you. Beside the usual bugfixes, we want to highlight three additions/changes this time.

Git-LFS Support when Mirroring Repositories

A quite subtle, but much…

Posted in scm-manager, scm-mail-plugin, scm-external-file-plugin, release, plugins

scm-webhook-plugin 1.5

Posted on 2014-11-21 by Sebastian Sdorra

Version 1.5 of the scm-webhook-plugin is available for download.


  • ability to send commit data as json post

Posted in plugins, workflow-plugins


Posted on 2014-05-21 by Sebastian Sdorra

The new scm-trac-plugin is now available over the SCM-Manager plugin center. It integrates the issue tracker of Trac to SCM-Manager. The plugin requires version 1.33 or newer of SCM-Manager.

Posted in plugins, issue-tracker-plugins


Posted on 2013-10-25 by Sebastian Sdorra

The new scm-youtrack-plugin is now available over the SCM-Manager plugin center. It integrates the issue tracker software YouTrack to SCM-Manager. The plugin requires version 1.33 or newer of SCM-Manager.

Posted in plugins, issue-tracker-plugins

scm-fork-plugin 1.1

Posted on 2013-10-16 by Sebastian Sdorra

Version 1.1 of the scm-fork-plugin is available for download.


Posted in plugins, miscellaneous-plugins