Category: scm-manager

News and posts from scm-manager category

We migrated to GitHub

Posted on 2020-03-09 by Sebastian Sdorra

As mentioned here, we migrated the scm-manager core repository to GitHub: scm-manager/scm-manager.

We decided to do so due to the removed mercurial support from Bitbucket. This is no statement whatsoever against Mercurial, we will continue to support Mercurial, Git and Subversion…

Posted in cloudogu, scm-manager

SCM-Manager 2.0.0-rc4

Posted on 2020-02-14 by René Pfeuffer

For some time, the incompatability of SCM-Manager 2 with Java 9 or above has annoyed us. Now we can happily announce, that this is history. With the new version 2.0.0-rc4 SCM-Manager can run on Java 9 and above.

A little error though has not made it into this release: If you are…

Posted in release, scm-manager

SCM-Manager 2.0.0-rc3

Posted on 2020-02-05 by René Pfeuffer

Last week we stumbled upon an error in the plugin loader. If you have installed some plugins with dependencies between them, the may end up loading them in the wrong sequence and therefore running into an error. We fixed this error with SCM-Manager 2.0.0-rc3.

If your SCM-Manager…

Posted in release, scm-manager

SCM-Manager now on GitHub

Posted on 2020-02-05 by Daniel Huchthausen

Migration in progress

As previously announced, all SCM-Manager repositories are being migrated to GitHub, because Bitbucket has announced the ending support for Mercurial.

Soon, all repositories will be available under the SCM-Manager organization on GitHub. It is our goal to…

Posted in scm-manager

SCM-Manager 2.0.0-rc2

Posted on 2020-01-29 by Sebastian Sdorra

About six weeks ago we presented you the first release candidate of SCM-Manager 2. Now we finished the RC-2. Here are our favorite new features:

Unification of source and commits become “code”

We got feedback that the navigation points “Commits” and “Sources” on the right side…

Posted in release, scm-manager

SCM-Manager 2 - First release candidate

Posted on 2019-12-18 by Daniel Huchthausen

We are more than happy to announce that the first release candidate of SCM-Manager 2 is ready!

Since the last news about SCM-Manager 2 we have worked on the missing key features like the plugin center or anonymous access to repositories. Now it is done and we are offering you the…

Posted in release, scm-manager

Migration to GitHub

Posted on 2019-10-14 by Daniel Huchthausen

Because of the soon ending support for Mercurial repositories on Bitbucket (link) we decided to move all SCM-Manager repositories to GitHub.

Since there won’t be a major repository hosting platform left that supports Mercurial, it was inevitable for us to migrate the SCM-Manager…

Posted in scm-manager

Cloudogu support team

Posted on 2019-07-30 by Daniel Huchthausen

Some time ago a vigorous involvement with SCM-Manager was announced in the Cloudogu blog. In the first step, Cloudogu joined the development of SCM-Manager 2. Now, as the second step, Cloudogu assigned a team to actively help with the support for SCM-Manager. The team will do…

Posted in cloudogu, scm-manager, support

SCM-Manager 2 development

Posted on 2019-06-28 by Daniel Huchthausen

Over the last couple of years it became clear that SCM-Manager 1 does not have the capabilities to fulfill the requirements of a modern SourceCodeManagement Tool. Great feature requests had to be rejected, because they simply could not be implemented with SCM-Manager 1. That is…

Posted in cloudogu, scm-manager

SCM-Manager 2 gets a boost by Cloudogu GmbH

Posted on 2018-09-25 by Sebastian Sdorra

In 2010 I started the development of SCM-Manager.  Since 2013 I have a strong partner: Cloudogu GmbH. In the past they contributed to the project by helping with support cases and the development of several plug-ins like Groupmanager, CAS, scm-htpasswd and Checkstyle.

Because of…

Posted in cloudogu, scm-manager