This page does not refer to the most recent version of the SCM-Manager. Go to the latest version of this page.
Install scm-manager on kubernetes with helm
To install SCM-Manager on Kubernetes we offer a Helm chart. The chart is only tested with v3 of helm.
helm repo add scm-manager
helm repo update
helm install scm-manager scm-manager/scm-manager
If you want to customize the installation you can use a values files e.g.:
helm install scm-manager scm-manager/scm-manager --values=custom.yml
The following table list the configurable parameters of the SCM-Manager chart and their default values.
Chart Values
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} |
Affinity settings |
extraArgs | list | [] |
Arguments to pass to the container |
extraEnv | string | "" |
Additional environment variables, parsed through tpl function |
extraEnvFrom | string | "" |
Additional environment variables mapped from Secret or ConfigMap, parsed through tpl function |
extraVolumeMounts | string | "" |
Add additional volumes mounts, parsed through tpl function |
extraVolumes | string | "" |
Add additional volumes, parsed through tpl function |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override the full resource names |
image.pullSecret | string | "" |
Secret with credentials for the image registry |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
SCM-Manager image pull policy |
image.repository | string | "scmmanager/scm-manager" |
Name of SCM-Manager image |
image.tag | string | "version-off Chart" |
Tag of SCM-Manager image |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Ingress annotations |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Enables ingress |
ingress.hosts | list | ["scm-manager.local"] |
Ingress hosts |
ingress.path | string | "/" |
Ingress path |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
Ingress TLS configuration |
lifecycleHooks | string | "" |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Override the resource name prefix |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment |
persistence.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
The PVC access mode |
persistence.enabled | bool | true |
Enable the use of a PVC for SCM-Manager home |
persistence.size | string | "40Gi" |
The size of the PVC |
resources | object | {} |
Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) |
securityContext | object | { fsGroup: 0 } |
Securitycontext for the pod |
service.port | int | 80 |
k8s service port |
service.type | string | "LoadBalancer" |
k8s service type |
ssh.dns | list | ["ssh.scm-manager.local"] |
dns names for the ssh service (requires installed external dns) |
ssh.enabled | bool | false |
Enables ssh access (requires installed ssh plugin) |
ssh.port | int | 2222 |
Intenernal ssh port (must match plugin configuration) |
ssh.service.port | int | 2222 |
k8s service port for ssh |
ssh.service.type | string | "LoadBalancer" |
k8s service type for ssh |
tolerations | list | [] |
Toleration labels for pod assignment |