Frequently Asked Questions
What are the username and the password in the default installation?
Username: scmadmin
Password: scmadmin
Where does SCM-Manager store its configuration, data and repositories?
All data which is created by SCM-Manager, is stored in the SCM-Manager base directory. The location of the base directory depends on your type of installation. Please have a look at the documentation.
How can I change the SCM-Manager home directory?
There are several ways to change the location of the home directory: documentation
Where does SCM-Manager stores it log files?
The location of the log files depends on your operation system and the type of installation. Please have a look at the documentation.
How do I enable trace logging?
Find the location of your logging.xml
in the documentation and change the following line from:
<logger name="sonia.scm" level="INFO" />
<logger name="sonia.scm" level="TRACE" />
After changing the configuration, SCM-Manager must be restarted.
How do I install plugins?
Find the plugin you like to install at plugins and follow the installation instructions on the install page of the plugin.
How can I import my existing (git|mercurial|subversion) repository
Please have a look on these detailed instructions.