This page does not refer to the most recent version of the SCM-Manager. Go to the latest documentation.

Getting started

How to install and configure SCM-Manager

Getting started

Install Java

SCM-Manager needs an installed Java 1.7 or newer. It is recommended to use the oracle jre. How to check which version of Java is installed:

java -version

Download java from here and follow the install instructions.

Install SCM-Manager

Download the latest version of SCM-Manager from here, unpack the .zip or .tar.gz package and start SCM-Manager with


First access

URL http://localhost:8080
Username scmadmin
Password scmadmin


Subversion and Git will work out of the box, but if you want to use mercurial with SCM-Manager you have to install mercurial version 1.9 or newer.

Mercurial on Windows

The installation of mercurial for SCM-Manager is very complicated on windows, have a look at:

SCM-Manager comes with the option to install packages for windows to simplify this setup. To use such a package just login as Administrator, goto "Repository Types", click the "Start Configuration Wizard" and Choose "Download and install".

If you see an error like the following:

sonia.scm.repository.RepositoryException: command exit with error 14001 and message: 'The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.'

Then you have to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86). Note you have to use the x86 package and not the x64 package, because we use 32bit python in SCM-Manager on Windows. For more informations have a look at #522.