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Snippet - Add tab to repository configuration

 * Register extjs namespace for the plugin.

Sonia.snippets.MyPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {

  initComponent: function(){
    var config = {
      // Title of the panel
      title: 'My Panel'

     * The apply method merges the initialConfig object with the config object.
     * The initialConfig object is the config object from the parent panel 
     * (in this case Ext.Panel).
    Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
    Sonia.snippets.MyPanel.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);


 * Register xtype of the panel for later use and lazy initialization.
Ext.reg("myPanel", Sonia.snippets.MyPanel);

 * Register a listener which is called, after repository is selected in the 
 * web interface. The listener passes the selected repository and an array
 * of panels as argument.
Sonia.repository.openListeners.push(function(repository, panels){
   * Append the new panel to the panels array
    // registerd xtype for the panel
    xtype: 'myPanel'

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