This page does not refer to the most recent version of the SCM-Manager. Go to the latest version of this page.


Installation for Red Hat based linux distributions

Directory structure

Since version 1.39, SCM-Manager is delivered as RPM and DEB package. The package are generated with the nativepkg-maven-plugin. The following table shows the directory structure which will be created by the packages:

File Description
/opt/scm-server Main directory for scm-server installation
/etc/default/scm-server Default settings for scm-server
/etc/init.d/scm-server Start script for scm-server
/var/cache/scm/work Cache directory
/var/log/scm Logging directory
/var/lib/scm SCM-Manager home directory

The package will create a user and group which are called scm. The scm user will be the owner of the process. The init script uses jsvc to start the scm-server process, which makes it possible to run scm-server on port 80 without running it as root user. The main settings for the server process are stored at /etc/default/scm-server.


The RPM package is tested with Fedora and Centos. Create a new files at /etc/yum.repos.d/SCM-Manager.repo with the following content to install the scm-manager repository:

name=SCM-Manager Releases

After file creation execute the following command to install scm-server:

# install the scm-server package
sudo yum install scm-server

Migration from ApplicationServer or Standalone version

To migrate from an existing installation, you have to the following steps:

  • Stop the old service
  • Move the folder /opt/scm-server, if it exists
  • Install the package
  • Copy the content of your existing scm home directory to /var/lib/scm
  • Change the owner of the directory and all containing files to scm:scm (chown -R scm:scm /var/lib/scm)
  • Verify repositoryDirectory in /var/lib/scm/config/[git|hg|svn].xml], make sure they point to respective /var/lib/scm/repositories/[git|hg|svn] and not your old location. Otherwise the repository health check will fail.
  • Optional: Reapply changes to /opt/scm-server/conf/server-config.xml and /opt/scm-server/conf/logging.xml
  • Start scm-server (/etc/init.d/scm-server start)